Creative Music Workshop with Jerry Granelli and Jane Bunnett
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
3:00pm - FREE - All Ages Buy Tickets
134 – 11 Ave SE,
Calgary AB
T2G 0X5
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 0X5
Other Info
RBC Summit Jazz Series
Creative Music Workshop with Jerry Granelli and Jane Bunnett: Learn spontaneous composition / improvised music aka Jazz from two of Canada's greatest improvising Jazz musicians. Free of charge.
Calgary has a diverse and active music scene, and the RBC Summit Jazz Series will work to enrich and energize the musical environment by engaging Calgary's most active, creative, and interesting jazz and improvising musicians to create original music of the highest caliber. This series will provide a showcasing opportunity for these musicians as well as a reciprocal mentorship component between young emerging musicians, established local musicians and professional special guest musicians from across Canada.

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